We are all strange in our approach to our existence.
NO ONE likes to be the fool. No one enjoys being the brunt of a practical joke, but yet we hail the jester that can pull it off?
It is fun to see someone else fall, get scared or embarrassed. Why is that?
The internet holds an extra layer of anonymity that makes it even easier to set someone else up for an untruth. We can create multiple personalities, stories, and attacks and feel it is not us…it is just a joke.
Trolls & griefers have separated themselves in their mind from their actions, because “It was all for a laugh.” So the philosophical questions are “Where ARE we? & Where do we begin and end?” The line seems to be drawn in different places.
If we do harm: it wasn’t my intention… If we all laugh it was because of me.
I was a professional clown and could play the fool, knowing… I was setting myself up… I was the one pretending to be surprised. People enjoy watching things go awry.
If we were God, having that same propensity, we could look at this existence with greater humor. Existence is always pulling tricks on us. What we think will happen and what does happen, rarely match.
The answer to the confusion is intent. Selfish or generous? Did you put honey on the toilet seat to make them laugh or you? Did you slip the money in their shoe, knowing the surprise would delight both you and them?
Simple rule: Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.
This April Fools Day enjoy the delight of the absurd and the surprises. Be creative, just be mindful of what you create may go awry. Everyone’s perception is different.
Enjoy the journey. Life is too important to take too seriously from our only one perspective.
Hugs, Pam