I got my order from Discovery magazine about Drones 360 and I was excited.
How fun to be able to fly visually over anything you wanted, gain new perspective and learn how to fly and run a drone! Wouldn’t everyone be jealous and want a chance to run it?
I saw so many uses for them, farming, photography, security, news reports, catastrophes, search and rescue… my mind was reeling. My Geek was showing.
Then I started seeing the vicious attacks on drones. Shooting sprees, hate mail to those that would use them and especially the American government and I had to step back.
Sneaky invasion of privacy. Well privacy is only an illusion anyway but with YouTube and other venues simple biological needs can be truncated and photoshopped into anything and put it out in public. Yuck.
Wait! What if they are going to shoot people both with photography and weapons? I starting reading about the government making small insect like drones to deliver attacks or some such. Wait… *scratches head perplexed trying to remember the biblical stories of my youth*.
Quick Google search brought the chapter in the Bible referring to Revelations 9:4 “Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man.”
Could these bug like things be a form of drone? Was I becoming a luddite? I saw things from another perspective. These could be great weapons for distributing anthrax, biological attack or a deadly gas and no one would most likely know where it came from.
That is really what is scary, to look up in the sky and see a strange drone above you and not know or be able to find out it’s purpose?
So I came upon an idea. Let all drones be a fair mark for the shooters, rams or baseball bats IF… they are not labeled. Meaning every smartphone could have an app that would show when a drone is near, what the drone id is, the owners, and purpose. So at any time you can look at the app and see if there are any registered drones in the air and their path. Planes have to have a flight path registered, if they don’t know their path they should be able to send out their id to the app so we can track them.
I would smile if I looked up and saw a drone and the app said it was a special event drone getting distant shots of a wedding party… or pizza delivery drone returning to home. I wouldn’t even mind if it was being used as a toy for learning to fly, or litter surveillance.
If they can see us, we should be able to see them. If they refuse to register the drone or can’t send an id to a scanning smart phone, then get the guns out boys. Fair is fair.
Technology is jumping ahead by leaps and bounds, lets see if we can get a balance on every new technology before it is put out for the world. Every tool can be used for good or ill we need balance. Definitely living in interesting times.
Enjoy the journey,
Hugs, Pam