Most people who buy into the rules of the commercial game look at their time as money. If I work harder, smarter I will get the points of the game…which is money.
With money I can buy the big house (I won’t have time to stay in), the big tv (that shows the exact same shows as the little one), the fancy car (that drives the same distance to work as the economical one.) BUT people will look at me as successful!?!
That is apparently the point of the game… other people’s approval. That is sad really. Don’t the psychologists call that co-dependance?
Time is a gift if you can get outside of the sheep mindset. You don’t need to be entertained you need to create, explore, ponder, appreciate, and breath.
I have been relieved of a very stressful unappreciated engagement in a “Time is Money” project. Stuck in an office in a place that is cold, urban, crowded and often smog infested, I chose to do it out of love for a family member. Being relieved of that obligation means I am again free to be my own person. How glorious!
So many ways to now spend the most sought after and limited commodity on this planet…TIME! We are all inhabiting a deteriorating biological unit that comes with an expiration date. Health will also eventually cut into the opportunities, so while it is here, why waste it in doing something that you don’t enjoy?
I watch as people who are for some reason homebound end up REALLY living in virtual worlds. What is it that they do in virtual worlds? They are doing the things that make them happy, being creative, learning, meeting people around the world, enjoying music listening or performing. They seek the things that are valuable, which are loyalty, comradeship, courage, and wonder.
What are their circumstances in real? They might live in a little apartment with minimum subsistence income, but are using their time growing.
Don’t get me wrong, crazies abound in virtual, it is part of the drama that one has to overcome to make the journey worthwhile, but the people that shine make it worth the venture. (Not to say that people in real are not crazy, they just wear their masks in a sociatal acceptable manner.)
I now have several collaborative ventures that I am contemplating.
I could use the lower income as an excellent excuse not to eat so much (working and eating at a desk 10 hours a day is not healthy), or when I do eat make it more of a meaningful experience. I have time not to just put in the hour at the gym sweating but hiking, bike riding, or volunteering. Remember where you put the weight of your engagement is what is of value.
At the end of your life, which we are all getting closer to by the minute… tick tick tick…will you say. “I did this and this and this.” or will you say, “I worked for them and them and them.” and got nothing of my own to show for my efforts.
Now that I am dating at this age, I ask the guys what have they done with your life? If all they can say is “I got employee of the month!” Ok well that won’t do for a philosopher. Don’t be a sheep. Don’t play the game. Make your own game with your own success markers. So when it comes time to die on a beach alone and friendless (which thankfully I don’t think will happen) it is only me that will decide if I have won the game or not. Only I that can say I ran the good course and be happy when I last close my eyes.
In this economy the promise of security is only a ruse, so be free, be happy and use that amazing commodity of time for you.
Enjoy the Journey, Hugs, Pam