Now that I’m on a few dating sites, I’m afraid I’m analyzing everything said to me. This is/is-not a good profession to be in if you are considering really looking. *smile*
Is the person talking to me the person represented online? Or an imagined preconceived scripted person of their hearts desire? What hidden agenda is really going on.
One first contact with a guy insisted that you better have sex on the first date or there would be no second date.
Yep, you guessed it. There was no FIRST date. That really isn’t a hidden agenda and easy to dismiss even when he thought harassment and name calling would make him a more desirable contact? lol
Then I hear stories shared with me that a guy adopts another person’s identity so much so that they pass a detective investigation. That poor gal got a child out of the deal. I can only imagine the horrors she felt with such a long term premeditated deception continually haunting her.
You get those who instantly want you to share your phone number. NOT a good idea.
Oh? And is there something special about Yahoo Messenger for the foreigners? Seems everyone who is not what they claim are from a foreign country and wants to talk to you on Yahoo.
If the profile you see has fluid English writing but the text message is full of errors and awkward sentences, there is your answer.
I asked one guy who wanted me to talk with him on Yahoo, if he had Skype? NO….
“Ok, Do you have a Facebook page?” No to that too.
So what do you do? Well he works for this company and travels the world selling precious metals. “OK, what is your company’s website?” There isn’t any.
“…and you have no picture up on this site why?”
Well I am new on computers I don’t know how to do it, but if you will go to Yahoo I can send you a picture.”
Ok, doesn’t know internet, Skype, Facebook, or have any external validation whatsoever but is familiar enough with computers to do Yahoo and when I pointed out his lack of believe-ability he used the internet acronym of “brb”. That’s when I laughed out loud and disconnected. I suppose he had to ask the advice of his supervisor?
These can be the easy to dismiss ones if you’re not in NEEDY mode, but it is extremely hard for those desperately seeking companionship to not keep hoping and taking the bait.
This is one of the reasons that I think virtual world dating is a far more stable platform. It allows engagement and interaction and at least enough time for sifting of realities to occur.
However, if you are in desperate mode, one medium will under mind you as well as another.
So my constant, most unwavering response to everyone is. “Be happy with yourself alone, before you seek to connect with another.” But since this is the month of Hallows Eve… if you really want the “SH_T” scared out of you, don’t go to the movies, head to an online dating site. *smile
Enjoy the journey, Hugs… Pam