Those near retirement are being fired early and no one wants to hire an elderly person, even if they don’t SAY that. They figure you will point out the things they do wrong and they want to be boss. No one should know there is another way of doing things. Keep the peasants dumb.
I watched as they have worked to dumb down the population? It was cool to be an idiot?
I figure somewhere along the line they will taint the flu shots and “poof” problem solved. All of course except the 1% who are in charge of the government and know not to take the flu shots.
I went to a Lakota Sundance the other day and “The Elders” were honored. The young would give you their place in line, move over so you could sit down, help you with your tent. It was an amazing feeling, not just for the elders but to watch the young people serve! They were acknowledging that they were needed! They had value! All the members of the tribe were validated. The youth got their energies focused in worthwhile efforts, and the elders got to tell stories of what they knew to help the young. Wow!
Not now in our culture. Sad really that neither the old or the young feel of value. I would like to see the beginnings of a turn around but not the way things are now. Pretty soon we will have Logan’s Run and all that is of value will be to be Renewed!
Someone asked if I could envision the next 40 years? I can’t, but it is even harder to visualize the alternative? *smile*
*holds up her hands palms up like a balance* Being Old on one side: Dead on the other. Being Old then doesn’t look so bad as the alternative.
It is not a journey that should be predictable but it is a journey to be enjoyed for whatever good you can gleen from what is presented you.
Hugs, Pam