Bad Things Happen.
Life is a near death experience.
You have a disappointment or a biological snafoo and your first and only thought jumps to your worst fear.
You are now using the little amount of positive energy you have toward, What? You are focusing your plot/story toward destruction.
Many of us read novels, biographies and movies, which as a requirement of interest, there is a major hiccup that has to be overcome. If there isn’t such a catastrophe there is no reason to read the book, watch the movie or even have bothered with the story, right?
Yet, our first tendency when faced with a staring-up-in-the-face-of-the-paramedic moment is to doom ourselves with, “This is the end!” We wall ourselves into a story that takes in no other possible alternative.
What if WE were the movie? We would watch the character chagrined at their dilemma and wait for the working out of the resolution. We think, “This is bad…or not?”
This is what I would like to add to our dilemmas of life. When a crushing blow hits…acknowledge the OMG moment but add to your thoughts…or not? You will find you can step out of the situation for a moment and see it as a storyline with multiple possibilities. It is now elevated to an “interesting” component of a greater story. This allows yourself to conceptualize other possibilities.
Just that little bit of optimism makes the world of difference. You now have an escape route.
Tons of studies have been done to see what aids in recovery of patients and a positive, purposeful outlook has had the greatest effect. Whether it is religion, family, job, goals or your spirit to persevere, that optimism is the key.
So how much more important is it to have that positive outlook when faced with non-lethal possibilities? Your love left you; you didn’t get the job, you lost the house, these are now just components of a greater story which is your life.
The movie of your existence is far more interesting now. So this tragedy is the last blow…OR NOT?
Enjoy the journey, both the ups and downs. Hugs, Pam