Glamor? or Façade?
Glamor Shots use to be a big deal. Get yourself all fixed up, hair teased, sprayed and dressed up and take a picture.
We would look at ourselves and not recognize us. Who is that person in the mirror?
So 45 minutes of drawing on our face, covering our spots, making our eyes bigger, lashes longer, minimizing wrinkles … and THAT is reality for most women.
We can’t seem to go out in public without “putting on our face” Why is that considered Real? Why is that considered right?
Does it mean that we do NOT want reality; we want a story? We want the fairytale story of being beautiful forever…no matter how long it takes to dress up reality. It is only proper for a female to make an effort to please others. We have to reach for a visual perfection to be taken as relevant.
Men have a different story they play. They want to be seen as macho so they get big trucks, tear their shirts, lift weights to get pumped up to look like the dude on the magazine… OR they let themselves go scruffy as if to say, “See I don’t care what I look like.” …but macho dude, you still need a bath.
We keep asking for truth, but keep spending our effort in creating fantasy.
Our politicians give us fantasy because that is what we want to hear. Media creates “reality TV” which is FAR FROM real, because the drama is something we desire to see.
Almost everything in our society that is considered acceptable is window dressing. The core of the truth is never examined if it looks pretty, or as we expect.
I did an experiment one time back in school. I wrote a paper in about 1/2 hour, did almost no research, put no effort into the quality of what was written, but… I put it in a wonderfully decorative high quality paper cover with clear plastic over a highly decorative font all laid out beautifully and typed with lovely spaces.
Guess what? I got an A. The paper was garbage. It doesn’t appear to matter. This is what we have become. So when I say, “We do not live for reality; we live for our fantasies.” it is not just in virtual that this paradigm exist.
How can we get this to change when we put value on the valueless?
Politics is a bore, since we spend our time realizing it is all for show and have no idea what the candidates really think, or more important who is backing them, controlling the puppet strings. We don’t know and don’t seem to care. He came in on a pretty helicopter. She is always dressed so nice. He is articulate and speaks lovely.
If we want the world to change we are going to have to change what we expect and what we examine. There actually may be great beauty in that person sitting on the corner in that torn jacket. There might be greater wisdom in the withered grandmother than the PhD in the suit.
If we don’t spend effort in digging for gold, we will continue to get fools gold.
Enjoy the journey ! Hugs, Pam