…and they lived happily ever after.
What is true about our dreams? …About comic books? …About making Barbie talk to her doll friends? …About having your action heros save the day? …About watching a movie? …Reading a novel? …Seeing art or visualizing reality in a different way through music or touch?
All creativity is intrinsically valuable and it can make us happy, sad or introspective. The very components that we value as humans are materially NOT Real. Courage, Loyalty, Peace, Creativity, Beauty, Love, Challenge, Wonder etc. are Not touchable in this material world?
Many of these things that we value and can not touch we have made a representation for in this material world, but are still not really touchable themselves. Music, writing, math, ideas are all non-material but we work like crazy on those items trying to show what contains our real passion.
Watching a garden grow has its own intrinsic value even if the crop doesn’t quite work out, the process intrigues us and makes us happy. We wonder, ponder and that is where we reap joy. Questions, not answers, engage happiness.
If you think about it, very little of the material world makes us happy for very long at all. All material information or things do not trigger in us anything more than a temporary satisfaction.
When we look back on our life, we might say “That was a sweet ride.” of a car we owned, but was it the car or the girl you got into the car that made it sweet? If everyone else thought it an ugly car would it have been as valuable. The components of this real life are validated by the non-real.
The identity of humanity does not lie in the material world.
The material world IS the game! We judge if we are winning by the $ we get just like points. We might count our popularity polls or the votes we can get, but we are aware that all of these things are transitory. They can shift at any moment.
So how and why do we persist in stating as derogatory that “something is not real”? “Not Real” contains the most value in our search for happiness and satisfaction.
It seems sad that we are not allowed to express our childlike thrills unless given a material spacial-excuse for such behavior. You can only be silly or crazy at a party, bar, or a specially allocated location designated to say you’re allowed to fantasize, such as a theme park or interactive play.
When we get up in the morning we do not live for coffee, the news, hygiene rituals, laundry or traffic; We live for the conception of the future that is currently a dream…vacation, weight loss, finding love, retirement, saving the world, going on tv or any other illusion that gives our life a goal and a meaning that sends our mind into fantasy.
It is one of my favorite statements now and I say it often, when someone states what is truly not real.
We do not live for reality; We live for out fantasy! Enjoy Yours!
Hugs, Pam (The Roadside Philsopher