Aren’t you interesting?
Strange that with so many ways to connect in today’s technological world, people can feel so alone.
Everyone posts when something wonderful happens in their life or how much they love their significant other, which only increases the feelings of loneliness for those that are not actively engaged in some sort of partnership arrangement.
It can seem that all the world is happy and you just don’t belong, but it is not so.
We are ALL alone. That’s right. Everyone of us are in our own skin and our own mind, alone! No one truly knows what goes on in our thoughts but us. Even if we are extremely articulate we can only share a portion of the tremulous struggles contained within our internal dialog.
The problem is we feel we are only complete if we have someone mirroring back that we are ok.
May I extend a challenge and actually applaud your aloneness. You now have the opportunity to become whole.
Often times we select partners that have skillsets that we lack. He can speak in public, while I am scared to death, or she is so creative while I can only add digits. We then feel more complete because the two of us can do most things. We shove off growing in one area because our partner has it covered. That is like a tree in the forest grows only where the other trees don’t cover the light.
But the solo tree on the hill is unencumbered with excuses and must seek to grow fully. The opportunity to become more complete is masked by the conventional wisdom that says we are “no one” if we do not have a mirror-validating partner.
Yet the tree that is solo on the hill is balanced admired and often times remembered and valued in the end.
The ones in the forest just knock each other down and the forest feels no remorse over the loss of just one-of-the-many.
So be your own best friend, explore your weaknesses and strengths and strive for balance. Have fun taking your own self to the movie, or challenging yourself to expand your skillsets. There are so many alone that it is stupid to not go out and volunteer if you have the need to be social, serve others, but do it because you wish to, not because it is expected.
Be that tree on the hill. Concentrate on making the person that is you the most balanced and glorious tree it can be.
Just remember, to enjoy the journey.
Hugs, Pam