WE are doing it WRONG!
I listened to a Podcast about how Norway is the fairest country to women in the workplace, but for some reason still do not have many management level females. Norway gives the most time off for maternity leave. So maybe they will give the same amount of leave for the men, so hiring either gender would not lend to prejudice.
OMG! The problem stated was: Why are women not coming back to work and choose to stay home with their children? Really? We need to make them be a part of the economic workforce. Who would want to babysit the young? That’s NOT as important as helping in the workforce to make money for others?
OK, first of all, women bare children. All the legislature in the world is not going to change that it is women that have to bare the children. The problem is NOT why don’t women come back to work, its Why are we shaming them for supporting the next generation!
Yet, women who devote themselves as mothers to advance the next age of humanity are of no value. We huff if their children are noisy or make a mess in stores or other public venues. We watch them struggle and feel that if they were good at their job this annoyance wouldn’t bother us.
No wonder our population is dwindling. To bring a child into the world is looked on as a hinderance. Condolences go out to those women who find themselves in a family way. “You have just lost any chance at your career.”
Career is king. Make money for the overlords… money is the only value. And for some strange reason we are buying into that horrible encrusted game.
As a society we spend our efforts saying, “Thank you for your service.” To those who put their life on the line to advance our political agenda and get paid for their time being ordered around. We grant them value in our society.
Of course, the political agenda is motivated by those in power wanting more control. Hence the US is the demon of the world. We take what we want and force others to comply. We thank our service men for taking lives but shame our women who give life?
Being a mom has never been a glamour career choice. Never has wiping noses and doing laundry been the high point of any day. However, it is those women who pick up AGAIN, make meals AGAIN, read another story or travel to pick or deliver kids AGAIN that teach the children by example that the world has complications, but you can arise and conquer with endurance.
Working people get to point to things they have done. I built that building. I made this much money. I saved the project, person, or idea. Our society complements these “point-to-able” but superficial accomplishments. All will end.
The human race, if it is going to survive will ONLY be so if there are women baring children. If they stop, we stop.
We are dwindling in our population. Hence, we are not going to be a problem for this planet much longer as we self-indulge ourselves out of existence. No one wants to sacrifice their life for some ungrateful little stranger that we are forced to constantly please. That’s what gets communicated in our society’s movies and films.
Third our children are not being taught, they are being appeased. We have legislated that we cannot say NO to the kids. Everyone is supposed to be special and cherished and life is always rainbows and unicorns. This leaves us with totally uninstructed children who grow up believing in what? Certainly not themselves. They are depressed and wonder why the real world doesn’t bow down to their every need? Hence, we get a rash of suicides.
The only way you can take pride in yourself is by your own accomplishments. The harder the deeds are when you succeed, the more power you can see in yourself. You are of value. But that is not what this society says. Parents: you need to yell at the teachers for not giving your child an A… instead of addressing your child for not doing the work.
So instead of saying 100 yards is the goal you keep moving the goal post closer, so little Jimmy can get his reward with less effort.
We need to value hard work, selflessness, ethics and stop making everything a marketable commodity.
Moms have previously been known for their selflessness, not condemned for it. They do not get any pay, retirement benefits and rarely any thanks from the children and they literally have chosen to sacrifice their lives in the service to the species.
So, the next time you see the chaos that surrounds a frustrated mother in a public place. Thank them for their service… and maybe offer to help.
You will enjoy the journey more if you contribute. Hugs, Pam
(I was in the military and so was my father. I was a Navy brat. He had to go to war and sacrificed a lot. I totally value my father’s effort and do not mean to devalue our appreciation to our warriors but…we are not at war needing to defend our county at the moment…a little balance of perspective please.)