…and this is not?
Now that I have made some attempt at publicity for the book I get requests by publicists. Well most of the ones I get are just trying to make their way like everyone else with small little radio shows, or want free books, so claim something they have no intention of fulfilling.
One did actually follow through with a little radio show in Chapel Hill, NC. It was nicely done with the interview conducted on the phone. Our only other communication had been by email.
He came out and boldly said “Virtual is NOT REAL!” That was his “no questions asked” point of view. It wasn’t up for discussion. Yet we had only typed in text.. and we had only communicated by phone, but HIS show was REAL.
That always amazes me. Why a communication by a phone line is real and VOIP communication over a computer is not real? Does that mean if we talk on a black cell phone it is more real than if we talk on a red cell phone? Why does the device trigger reality?
When I asked him how many were on his internet radio show listening.. He reluctantly told me 2, but then he added there could be lots more out on the radio waves… umm hmmm. This was his dream, to him, that was real!
We dismiss anything that isn’t within our frame of reference.
This picture was a Second Life broadcast with a live group of avatar audience that seemed to be close to 30. So let’s say a 100 more watch over a year on YouTube. By his estimation the virtual communication was NOT real? His little radio show was. Yet I got at least two book sales from the virtual show.
Reality is where ever you Focus.
So what is real.. is only what you believe, but that only works for you. So to quote another great story teller…
are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
– Hamlet (1.5.166-7), Hamlet to Horatio