Not Again!
You know how it is with new grandparents?
“Oh, Look how cute he is!”, “Isn’t that adorable when he drools like that?”, “Oh he ate his peas for the first time today.”… on and on they go about every fart, movement, or owie.
Everyone can only take so much of listening to every success, failure or boo boo the new baby has just done. We all try to find something else to do, or appointment we suddenly need to attend, to get away from another rendition of bodily activities of their new arrival.
Well that would seem somewhat logical if it was the Republicans chanting on and on about their winner… but it is not so.
Democrats have become Trump Grandparents spewing out every little body movement, belch, conjecture of intent… “Oh, he is so going to be the worse (fill in negative expectorant here).” I have to listen on the news every possible conjecture about the new addition to our government. They are publicity overloading Trump. HE doesn’t matter. What happens with our country’s laws and their impact does.
What is worse is I can’t even go on social media to see what my friends are doing without getting opinions on every movement, stance and speculation about their darling little fart.
Keeping constant awareness of the “new arrivals” next body-bowel movement is NOT NEWS, NOT desired and of no value.
The best thing for the USA is to talk about the issues and not the joker figure that symbolizes worse fears.
When did we get so figure centric that “The Person” not what is happening becomes our major topic. What does that say about us as a citizenry? Are we only capable of talking about Entertainment? Superficialities are the ONLY thing we can focus on?
Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People (A quote often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt but is under question). The bottom line is this pretty much labels correctly where are thoughts are and the level of effectiveness they render.
My liberal friends and my conservative friends need to work on what we can do about the changes in our government. If money to our favorite charity is being cut, let US step up and help cover it. Since when is the Federal Government supposed to be all things to all people. Why are we giving money in taxes so we have NO SAY on how it is spent.
Please focus on OUR journey and enjoy that journey. I know I am starting small, but I am running for city council. Get involved and lets make things work.
Hugs, Pam
(The Roadside Philosopher)