Don Quixote inside or out?
I gave for the first time the new presentation, “The Illusions We Live” just this last week. It was a rough delivery, but there was something of importance being brought together both in my mind and those that listened.
So what I want to talk about in this blog is again the perspective of reality with the fictional component of Don Quixote.
Don Quixote is an old coot of a character that sees evil and good through his own mental eyes. Most see him as a crazy delusional old man, but the value of the person was NOT what was viewed from outside. It was knowing what the vision and the trials of the man were from the inside.
The glory of Don Quixote was staying true to that vision all the way up to the end. That was a inspiring man, with a noble cause even if we can not follow it or fully understand his reality. Somehow we respect the passion and the high ethical pursuit of the man to the point of striking awe within us.
We all see windmills that call out to our hearts, but waiver when others do not see what we see. We must be wrong?
Not a single sense, hearing, taste, visual, tactile, smell can not be easily fooled. There are tons of scientific research papers that successfully prove how unreliable our senses are. Yet there are those that claim if they can’t sense it, things are not real?
If you realize that your vision of reality is not universally shared by others and all senses from this biological or pixelated avatar can be fooled…What do you believe in?
Reality is where you focus. If your inside says “Save the Trees” Than that is the vision you should pursue. If it says you “Must Seek the Force” than that is the direction your journey should take. Does it matter that others do not understand and can not see? No! What matters is you and how you interact with the universe. Are you being responsible to the calling that is your personal adventure in this life?
Where is the courage? Why is everything corruptible due to money? Who made money the true point system in this game of life?
Your illusions have value, whether you are locked in prison or on the street you can spin the story that nobly places you working toward your goals. Be true to the small voice inside and enjoy the adventure that is your life.
Hugs, Pam (The Roadside Philosopher)