The Eternal Question!
We are pummeled back and forth with expectations and cultural and ethical guidelines, but in these constructs do we find who we are? Or do we just create an acceptable facade?
How many voices are in our heads? How many rule books do we have to play to? When do we sift those things that don’t work for us into an acceptable vision of who we really are?
I role play in life. I was a Mom because some wonderful little human beings came out of my body. I was a clown because I felt I needed a life with smiles. I was a military airman in law enforcement because I had always grown up around the military and men. I could go on listing roles I have played, but which ones were me? Each carried a component of me, but all drastically different and each had parts I did not like.
In virtual worlds we role play as well. To dig into our many facets of self the virtual world is a much faster venue than real life experiences to bounce off any newly created vision of ourselves. We make more mistakes faster online. What do we like? What does not hit our unique personality music?
The job now is just like Michelangelo said when he looked at a piece of marble. You are somewhere in that rock of a life, now chip away the things that are NOT you one at a time to see a clear vision and beauty of the composite of you.
The hardest part is throwing things away. Saying No to those expectations that you are doing because of some external pressure that is not the person you truly would like to be.
I think this society needs a class on saying, “NO. Sorry that doesn’t work for me.” We might actually as a culture begin to see true value?
So what have you said NO to today? Which chip of marble did you cut off to get closer to you?
Enjoy the Journey.
Hugs, Pam (The Roadside Philosopher)