The 3 Monkeys-

See, Hear, Speak no Evil

I have had monkeys by my monitor almost since I have had a computer.

I found these two adorable ceramic monkeys with large rhinestone eyes at a thrift shop and sat them on my monitor for years. I was never really sure why they just seemed to be perfect there.

One day after a long time spent online I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eyes had the same glassed-over look as those two rhinestone monkeys. OOooh, now I get it.

I also have several versions of the hear, see, speak no evil monkeys around.

Why is that important online?  Well when you think that what you say online can now be referenced forever because of archival sites you can not take anything back if said online. That is really quite freaky when you think about it…maybe someday your great grand kids will have a search engine that can pull up everything done and said on the web by their ancestors. So much for leaving a legacy. So that covers why we should speak no evil…

Why we should “see” and “hear” no evil is also a concern. With the ability now of tracking on the web any IP address and web tracing capabilities you really don’t want to be places you would have to explain later to a spouse, boss, client, or government agency…clears throat. I am always concerned about that old computer saying GIGO (Garbage in=Garbage out) My mind has limited processing units available, if my little mental cells are filled with things that are negative that gives me less positive resources to draw from so I am reducing my functional capacity.

Also if you are wandering the dark recesses of the web there are all sorts of malware that can sneak in upon your computer. It is not safe out there. All good reasons for being cautious about what you put in your computer mind.

I got a contract recently to evaluate websites for a search engine. There is tons and tons of stuff I have to do on my computer to prepare for *Drum Roll Please* the DARK SIDE of the web. In fact I ended up downloading malware attached to the malware software I was suppose to download.

I am always concerned about that old computer saying GIGO (Garbage in=Garbage out) My mind has limited processing units available, if my little mental cells are filled with things that are negative that gives me less positive resources to draw from so I am reducing my functional capacity.

Also if you are wandering the dark recesses of the web there are all sorts of malware that can sneak in upon your computer. It is not safe out there. All good reasons for being cautious about what you put in your computer mind.

I got a contract recently to evaluate websites for a search engine. There is tons and tons of stuff I have to do on my computer to prepare for *Drum Roll Please* the DARK SIDE of the web. In fact I ended up downloading malware attached to the malware software I was suppose to download.

In the beginning of the Internet we had almost Carte Blanche, very much like the free wild west. Few people could “catch” anyone. Now we have to clean up our act, just as when the regular settlers moved in and set up laws and created the states and joined into a country. We have to listen to and keep in mind that this is part of our real life world now…It has rules. It has police. There are consequences.

There will always be mavericks out there that hate the constraints and will forge new ground to be free. You GO Guys/Gals! But now that we are actually getting society acclimated to the digital world,(we were shouting its praises to get converts) we have to step aside a bit.

Virtual worlds have not hit the main stream yet, so we still hold onto our fringe geniuses, but if it is indeed the value we believe it to be, when the world moves in…there will be something lost as well.

Us digital monkeys need to figure out what it is we truly want. Freedom or acceptance?

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