UFO’s / UAP’s or Just Entities Smarter Than Us

2012- 12 second video off a cruise ship…I don’t know? What is it?

It’s a puzzlement. I like puzzles, but I hate that sometimes it takes so long for me to figure it out. It’s been over a decade. I didn’t SEE the dot when I took it, only after I looked at the footage.

This black dot looked remarkably like the videos of UAP’s shown in the military shots of ships coming out of the ocean, but this didn’t move. So what was it…

So for all this time I asked everyone what they thought. Comments were erased by YouTube as were views so I have no accurate record. I have left the link up in comments, websites, social media… nothing.(final solution at the end)

That doesn’t stop me pondering. I had an interest in fungi my second go around in college. On the planet evolutionary scale, fungi has been here on this planet much longer than mammals. I suppose if you have a massive ego you could claim only mammals have evolved and that all the time before and as we were evolving fungi did nothing? Hmmm

Fungi are everywhere. They are in our bodies, ocean’s, earth surface and deep underground. (They have Far better internet-connect-ability with their mycelium than we have…) ?

According to all reported encounters, alien’s communicate via telepathy. So they may be more evolved than we are. So what if these so called alien’s are just evolved fungi? What if the thoughts that come into our minds are put there by the telepathic fungi? What if we are already under their control? EEEEeek… (play twilight zone music here).

Mushrooms can create visions and explosive colors, so what it they are responsible for all religious experiences? What if we are the pons in this game of life and fungi are playing and watching the drama unfold? We are definitely entertaining… well in a sickening, demented sort of way.

That’s maybe why the government keeps sidestepping the “from other planets” motif. Those lights in the heavens that we call spaceships maybe just the fruiting bodies of a far more advanced earthly fungi civilization that exist underwater or under earth? Come to think of it…why does water vapor float in cloud-like forms for sooo very long? Maybe they hide in the clouds.

They may have watched the evolution of so called mankind from many trial runs. Oh, you can see by now my mind goes wandering constantly with questions. I enjoy that but…I have had other experiences as well…for another time.

The only conclusion I came up with that sorta settles the question temporarily is: If this vast magnificent universe could not create a higher intellect than mankind… I would want out. Lol

Now for what I think the solution to the video above is. I Talked to a photographer and she expressed a point I had failed to consider. The camera is unable to photograph that level of light in the center of the sun so it just shows black. The light is there, but the camera is unable to register its intensity so defaults to null.

Now THAT started me on another thought trail… So our eyes are not able to process that bright of light as well, which is why we are told not to look straight at the sun.

Sooo after listening to tons of NDE’s ( Near Death Experiences) many of which talk about being enveloped in total loving blackness (like we think of space) and then moving quickly toward a bright light like they have never experienced before… I got to thinking.

What if black holes which are said to suck in all matter and energy are really bright white lights that our mortal bodies couldn’t see because it is too bright and we just perceive them as black holes?

…and what if those black holes are the cabling components to this simulation that we go thru to leave this existence and return to operations?

Oh dear. See what it is like to live in my mind. I am never bored and there are always what-if’s to ponder.

The most important part is to enjoy the journey. We don’t know all and isn’t that wonderful!



The “Vista Starved” are angry!

As the Roadside Philosopher I wanted to shout and point fingers and get angry during the government declared pandemic. I had to wait till I sorted things a bit.

I have watched in horror the confusion that keeps mounting in our world societies and I think I finally have figured out the cause!

“Vista starvation”! It often occurs in cities, but can be found rurally as well. In the cities they can’t see the sky or the horizon. They are literally limited by their vision. It is hard to know where you are in the world if you only see a box of a humanity-made world. With that frame of reference they expect the “city” to take care of them. They are immersed in the belief that there is a benevolent government that should make all their wishes come true. If they want water, there should be water and the city should make that so.

The belief system is always around “me, myself and I” and the government is suppose to make things ok for us. Therefore, only humanity and our government can wave the magic wand to make things right. If things aren’t right, i have a right to blame everyone else. We are only a peg in the board of the things we can perceive. Everything else is an illusion. Only my human-centric way is of value, because that’s all I can see. So I am right, you are wrong.

Vista starvation also pertains to our historical context. We have no vision nor wish to know what life was in the past. When we ignore history… like the old adage goes, We are doomed to repeat it.

This goes the other way of vista starvation with the rural perspective. They live as if the past is the only thing of value. If you did not have family here for several generations you are devalued. They block incoming information that could be very valuable and deny there is anything out there that will dislodge their vision of what reality has always been.

What the rural people have over urban is they get to see horizons and sky. They know that this distance means you have to do things yourself. The chance of the government helping you is nil..in fact, it is government who comes out and takes and rules illogically their world. Those who don’t understand, push their laws and rules without knowing the culture or environment they are attempting to control.

Seeing things from a bigger picture is scary. We realize times were always worse than we have now. Does gratitude ever come into the picture? No, because if every morning water comes out of the faucet and the sun always rises, well then everything else doesn’t matter. No need to seek, to understand…Always will be always. Hmmm

So what can we do? My optimistic solution is cultural apprenticeships. Do a compulsory month cross culture experience. Have a city person come to the country… have a rural person be apprenticed in urban life.

Travel has always been an eye-opening experience. Why not have culture experience cross pollination. Understanding has to be the motivation. Can we get curiosity revived?

My life epitaph goes like this:

First we have to acknowledge that NO ONE knows everything.

Then this should be the solution of understanding: “We do not live for reality; we live for our fantasies! Enjoy yours… but don’t force your story on others.”

Racism and LGBTQIA’s all want what we all want. To belong to a belief, whether that is determined by skin color or sex orientation or the belief that we are really a horse. Whatever belief that makes us happy. Belonging IS the need.

Religions and governments are all over the map in belief systems, but it is only when we try to force our belief on others. Force feeding the claim that truth can only be accepted by so-called experts is VERY limited. You can only talk if your male, or black or your hair is purple stops progress and ends peace.

New thoughts are exciting and cross-pollination of ideas is what makes new successes.

Seek to see vistas…horizons where you are really only a small part. The wider your vision of vistas the more peace you will have. When we have gratitude and think larger than ourselves THEN we will belong. We belong to our family, our city block, our favorite bar, our city, our nation, our planet, our position in the universe. No matter what group you affiliate with… make your gratitude larger than you and be grateful for that belonging.

Hugs, Pam

The Roadside Philosopher

Whoops of 2004


2004 Whoops

(Whispers) Identity matters

Who am I? …. I?

I maybe black, white, yellow, red

I maybe rich or poor

I maybe happy or sad

I maybe a girl or on the sliding scale to boy

I may have difficulties as I walk, talk, or breath

I laugh, cry and someday I die

 I am just ONE.

Just One.

Just One.  

One with an identity.

I am a person!

I live in America 

a country of persons

Then the great WHOOPS of 2004

And no longer do I breath in and out.

Because I am a corporation with lots of voices, committees, money and influence so NOW I’m labeled a PERSON! And i do not die!

It’s the whoops of 2004

And we turned our country away from persons

To massive money corporations

I will shout from the top of the steeple

Corporations are not PEOPLE!

We turned over our power,

We turned over our cares,

We turned over our well being to corporations

Which only care about power & money

Wonder why we are where we are.

We made a Whoops of 2004

Shout it from the steeple

Corporations are not People


I don’t do poems often in my life, but sometime being succinct and painting a picture in the mind is an excellent way to communicate.

Hugs, Pam

BurnOut Millennials

It is impossible. Don’t believe what you’ve been told. The old ways do not work and the new ways are wrong!

From one baby boomer to the millennials, I have so much sympathy for the position you are in. There is no way to make your life feel right as long as you are trying to duplicate your parents vision. A new culture needs to be created. It will be messy, but if you are going to survive, a new game with meaning needs to be created.

College is not working. Starting life with burdening debt because you have been handed the idea that college equals a satisfactory life, is as much a fairytale as The Three Bears. May I suggest maybe shadowing apprenticeships with online tutors. “Doing” will be more functional than the ancient “Answering A, B, or C” question components.

As a divorced female who was married under the “Fred Flintstone mentality of “men rule”, then left with nothing,” l think I have a glimmer of what you’re suffering. The goal to just survive seems elusive. Where can you live that doesn’t cost more than what you make in service jobs? Service jobs are devalued, but service is to humanity and so our humanity is being devalued!

It is very much like the servitude that the miners had working all the time and owing more to the company store than they made. You are imprisoned! There is no time for you, and when there is a hope of seeing light the game shifts and your expertise has evaporated.

Jobs are less and less human oriented and algorithms are replacing jobs. We have lost humanity! We have devalued mothers. (The essential component for the species to survive) in favor of contributing to this “make money” illusion of value. Get rid of that component first! Money is an illusion (proven by all the blockchain currencies out there).

Since my experience (out of order for the time) was a female in computing I have experienced the social media evolution from the beginning. From the first instant communication programs of Kermit to the mess of the competing “Look at me” apps we have today, they are isolating, not socializing and are again just another illusion.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for stories. Stories are what give life purpose. All cultural stories are illusions, we simply need to create our own and not buy into those Illusions handed to us by those who benefit from our conversion.

I remember when another Agile project manager set me aside and walked me through the question, “What is important in your life?” We made a list. Then he had me list what I was doing with my time. (The one and only nonnegotiable component of existence.) Was the life I was living in harmony with what I thought important? Boy was that an eye opener!

I had been catering and assisting with other people’s goals and ideas thinking that somewhere along the line I would get recognized. (No one mentors any more.) It’s all about “Me”, and since that target is always moving, having helpers is necessary. The best you can do is #2. There is no way being the number two dog in an organization will get you to your goal. It will be their goal.

I can see the evolution that has taken place and society’s shift down the rabbit hole. I have been written off in the current society, but that’s ok…I have written off society.

I now live in my own world of value. Got a minimum income and live with a $300 mortgage, but that was both a miracle and a multi-year project to create, allowing me to ignore most of the societal illusions.

Millennials get rid of your burn outs; make your lists, and create that society that allows you to thrive. Don’t let them force you into misery.

Sorry I won’t be around to help but you have my best wishes for an impactful journey!

Hugs, Pam

Still with Climate Change?

A part of a universal system

Scientific provability… I don’t know how many of you have actually done a scientific-method experiment, but it requires first to make a hypothesis, then to create a control group and change one item in the experimental group, run the experiments exactly and compare the results to validate your hypothesis.

Someone please show me the control group for the other earth, where there are no human carbon emissions. This is the Only way you can claim it is scientifically proven. Of course, it should be replicate-able by your peer group without fail to become fact.

The social media that keeps saying “98% of scientists agree”, should be a red flag right there that this is gossip not fact. If you put any hundred scientists in a room you will never get that ratio, even if the consensus was only that “The sky is blue.” Scientists are people and people just don’t agree like that. Now if they wanted to have a measure of believability, they should have claimed maybe 68%.

Does that make me an idiot that wants to trash the planet? No, I’m old. I’ve watched climate through these last few score of years, from multiple locations. Fact, climate changes. It changes in yearly cycles, in decade cycles, in million year cycles, etc.

Our science is the best it’s ever been. Yes, and no. We have more tools than ever, but we still can only fractionally measure only a few components with any degree that allows us predictability. (Unless research is paid for by a special interest group)

Predictability is the point here. We are pretty good at saying “when we do this, that happens” After we have done the experiment many times. But, to predict any hurricane’s path, even with our best guess we often fail, simply because we do not have all the components.

I try to be kind when yelled at by those that quote things as final and absolute. (As a philosopher there are no absolutes… ) Did you take into account the fungi rally going on underground? Or the shifting magnetic poles? Our place in the universe and it’s activities? Do we measure every point on the globe and average each day? Or are our measurements only taken mostly in the northern hemisphere next to urban areas? Data is only as good as the instrument used, the manner in which it is collected, the calculations and Spin the research is finally presented as and if it is replica-table. So very many variables.

Does that give us a reason to trash the planet? No! I hate the “rape for profit” mentality that this current culture processes. I hate single use plastic bottles in our oceans. No one should think their actions don’t have impact.

I’m all for making our use of things recyclable, and intelligent use of our resources, but please don’t let the propaganda that “They know all” be your influencer.

What does this have to do with human/computer interface psychology? We get a good portion of our information from online, and the wonderful diversity of opinions, but if we do not think things through and use number-of-likes vs critical thinking, we will all go down the toilet together…at least 98% of us. Lol

Enjoy the journey!



Thank you for your Service!

WE are doing it WRONG!

I listened to a Podcast about how Norway is the fairest country to women in the workplace, but for some reason still do not have many management level females. Norway gives the most time off for maternity leave. So maybe they will give the same amount of leave for the men, so hiring either gender would not lend to prejudice.

OMG! The problem stated was: Why are women not coming back to work and choose to stay home with their children? Really? We need to make them be a part of the economic workforce. Who would want to babysit the young? That’s NOT as important as helping in the workforce to make money for others?

OK, first of all, women bare children. All the legislature in the world is not going to change that it is women that have to bare the children. The problem is NOT why don’t women come back to work, its Why are we shaming them for supporting the next generation!

Yet, women who devote themselves as mothers to advance the next age of humanity are of no value. We huff if their children are noisy or make a mess in stores or other public venues. We watch them struggle and feel that if they were good at their job this annoyance wouldn’t bother us.

No wonder our population is dwindling. To bring a child into the world is looked on as a hinderance. Condolences go out to those women who find themselves in a family way. “You have just lost any chance at your career.”

Career is king. Make money for the overlords… money is the only value. And for some strange reason we are buying into that horrible encrusted game.

As a society we spend our efforts saying, “Thank you for your service.” To those who put their life on the line to advance our political agenda and get paid for their time being ordered around. We grant them value in our society.

Of course, the political agenda is motivated by those in power wanting more control. Hence the US is the demon of the world. We take what we want and force others to comply. We thank our service men for taking lives but shame our women who give life?

Being a mom has never been a glamour career choice. Never has wiping noses and doing laundry been the high point of any day. However, it is those women who pick up AGAIN, make meals AGAIN, read another story or travel to pick or deliver kids AGAIN that teach the children by example that the world has complications, but you can arise and conquer with endurance.

Working people get to point to things they have done. I built that building. I made this much money. I saved the project, person, or idea. Our society complements these “point-to-able” but superficial accomplishments. All will end.

The human race, if it is going to survive will ONLY be so if there are women baring children. If they stop, we stop.

We are dwindling in our population. Hence, we are not going to be a problem for this planet much longer as we self-indulge ourselves out of existence. No one wants to sacrifice their life for some ungrateful little stranger that we are forced to constantly please. That’s what gets communicated in our society’s movies and films.

Third our children are not being taught, they are being appeased. We have legislated that we cannot say NO to the kids. Everyone is supposed to be special and cherished and life is always rainbows and unicorns. This leaves us with totally uninstructed children who grow up believing in what? Certainly not themselves. They are depressed and wonder why the real world doesn’t bow down to their every need? Hence, we get a rash of suicides.

The only way you can take pride in yourself is by your own accomplishments. The harder the deeds are when you succeed, the more power you can see in yourself. You are of value. But that is not what this society says. Parents: you need to yell at the teachers for not giving your child an A… instead of addressing your child for not doing the work.

So instead of saying 100 yards is the goal you keep moving the goal post closer, so little Jimmy can get his reward with less effort.

We need to value hard work, selflessness, ethics and stop making everything a marketable commodity.

Moms have previously been known for their selflessness, not condemned for it. They do not get any pay, retirement benefits and rarely any thanks from the children and they literally have chosen to sacrifice their lives in the service to the species.

So, the next time you see the chaos that surrounds a frustrated mother in a public place. Thank them for their service… and maybe offer to help.

You will enjoy the journey more if you contribute. Hugs, Pam

(I was in the military and so was my father. I was a Navy brat. He had to go to war and sacrificed a lot. I totally value my father’s effort and do not mean to devalue our appreciation to our warriors but…we are not at war needing to defend our county at the moment…a little balance of perspective please.)

Nature vs #MeToo

Pamala Clift: Posted on Saturday, October 06, 2018 11:01 AM

We are all trying to get closer to nature with our food and work-life balance. We understand that fighting nature is a huge uphill battle.

We seek forest walks, the vistas over water or mountains, clean food, trying to get back to our proper place on this spinning globe. Now if we truly value nature and seek to understand our place. There are some very valuable facts that need to be considered.

Men are physically stronger than women. That is a fact, not speculation. (Of course there are exceptions)

We also know that nature does some major changes in both male and female children during that horrible state known as teenager hood . Arrgh! Controlling this state of our human growth cycle isn’t probable. Hormones surge and wain as teenagers try to figure out who they are.

This was obvious enough that in our courts, criminal offenses done before turning 18 are not considered part of your adult record.

Now we have the #MeToo movement saying a man is guilty vs memories from a hormonal female about a hormonal male doing teenager stuff that was not even a crime had he been an adult? Sigh.(Kavanaugh)

This is what I would like to have as a take away from this whole crazy episode. Females are rabbits. Males are coyotes.

Everyone should teach their daughters that they need to brace for males as a possibly uncontrollable force of nature. Just like not jumping off a mountain ledge. You don’t hold gravity responsible for your damage?

Young males are coyotes. Not because they choose this, but because nature knows that if a rabbit runs, the coyote will chase. Education can possibly slow this, but we can not count on it.

As women we should know entering this stage of life needs to be prepared for as a battle. We don’t dress to raise that hormonal tidal wave and increase our possibility of nature trumping cultural restrains.

We don’t go putting ourselves in the lair of the coyotes (especially with inhibition-lowering components such as drugs and alcohol) and expect to come out unscathed.

I’m all for the #MeToo movement within reason. I have, and my daughters have been violated wrongly because we are females. We are rabbits and we live amid coyotes. I hate being the victim because I am not the physically stronger gender. Men using their power of position to take advantage or forcefully gratifying their needs on the weaker sex, needs to be curtailed. But we women need to help. It isn’t ALL their fault.

If the rabbit didn’t run, the coyote most likely wouldn’t have chased.

We need to be aware of our environment and the natural world we exist in, and not blindly think we have a fairy God Mother who will make everything ok.

Islam puts the fault that men’s hormones run wild- all on women. Women should be curtailed from being seen so that the poor male’s hormones don’t have their energies redirected. Most of us can see how wrong that view point is…

So we have the pendulum now going the other way with the #MeToo movement. It is all on the men to master their hormones.

Ok, gals… master your monthly cycle right now… stop crying, stop feeling the way you feel. Your irrationality around this time of the month needs to STOP!… That is not likely to happen either. Mostly because during that time of the month THINKING is not the dominate component. The same thing goes for guys.

This is the natural world we live in. We are animals of this construct. We need to help each other deal with things that are outside our cultural norms and conflict with natural impulses.

Do your best not to blame just one side. We are all on this journey together!

Hugs, Pam

Reality Reply

If comments were allowed…

I watched a wonderful presentation between a physicist and a Buddhist over reality. I enjoy these discussions but HATE not being able to contribute or question. So I will use my blog to enter my contributions.

First the physicists made a wonderful observation that we see reality in layers and those layers do not separate those observations of existence but nest. They all have truth. The chair is composed of atoms and wood. It is a part of a stage design currently, part of the auditorium’s inventory etc. All those layers are still just one part of the story of the chair.

The thing that irritates me is when he claims he doesn’t know all but then jumps to …”Because I know ALL the forces of nature, there is no life after death.” Wait a second…what happened to I don’t know all?

When a person dies the physicists sees all the particles as deteriorating and concludes “that is all the person is”.

The Buddhist replies that observing the observer should be as intensely studied as any other tool the scientific community uses, which science fails to do.

I must go simply go to my metaphor. A square desk top computer is a solid, dissectible, physical thing. When there is no energy going thru it we are left with just particles. You can claim you know all the circuits, all the components and how they integrate with each other but you don’t know three important things.

1.       What software will be on it and will that software work? (the consciousness)

2.       Was the purpose of the box designed to run the software? Or just be a collection of components. (the body)

3.       Who or what thought it necessary to design a box? (intent or creator)

Matter is observable. Energy is partially observable, but only if we are able to create a machine that we properly calibrate and agree on a measurement language that science can document.

Partially observable, is the key. Functioning instrument language is the ONLY thing that we can use. If we don’t have that instrument, than the energy does NOT exist? Can anyone actually claim with any surety that something does NOT exist? That is a falsity in logic, until you “know all” which no one has ever claimed, you can’t know something is Not.

A behavior psychologist asked a question of the presenters about the duality of a person before a stroke and the totally different person that may exist after a stroke. I respond that a part of the computer box can break down, there can be glitches in the software, but that does not separate the box running that software from having the experience, nor does it preclude it from running only one piece of software.

Anyway, no one listens to me, but I believe just the creation of the thought pattern puts it in the human accessible database. It now will easier to tap into that information once the correlation has been made. Maybe I have expanded consciousness.

Anyway, that’s my story.

May you enjoy the journey of your software and delight in your ability to modify that story.

Hugs, Pam

Absolutes are Wrong…Absolutely…lol

There is division in the world. 

Your side/my side statements of facts that are absolutes. But are our facts absolutes? Does the division really have to divide us?

I have my guilty pleasures. One of them is occasionally binge watching on Netflix when I find a good show. My latest has been Madam Secretary. (Good show by the way, if not a little bit Cinderella in its ability to get to resolutions within the time frame.)

The thing that grabbed me is Madam Secretary wants “rainbows and unicorns for everyone”, but is not shy about being strong and saying no to people, but the clincher was that her husband is a religious ethics professor. Ooooh, we now have a philosophy component in which to examine current events. I’m in love!

The situations presented are complex. There are no total good guys or total bad guys. Everyone is a complex jumble of stories from only their frame of reference. Even the ethics professor is forced to compromise what he considers his absolutes in order to save lives.

What value are these absolutes to human kind? Absolutes allow us the freedom of not having to deal with the wall of our box, which we have created for ourselves. In other words, we have given ourselves permission “Not to Think” past a certain point.

Have you labeled a group of people BAD? That absolute then frees you to not take-in any further information about them or any individual in the group.

Take something simple like “I do not lie.” Seems like that would be a safe absolute. Anyone who is a good person should strive for that, right?

So if you are the priest being questioned by the Nazi’s as to whether the Trapp family is hiding in your monastery, you should just tell them the truth, right?

Absolutes are dangerous and often wrong. There is no righteousness about saying you’re absolute on any topic. You can say. you are absolutely trying to do what you perceive to be right. But then again, is your perception correct?

Where we focus is reality, at least for us. Give leeway to others for their stories and learn to forgive yourself and others for mis-perceptions. Heck, we wouldn’t even watch a movie if it did not have hiccups and drama. Can we expect our life to be any less intriguing?

We are all traveling a wonderfully complex intertwining of stories. Keep your walls thin and always seek to understand situations before falling back on the wall of your singular perception.

Am I right? Absolutely…lol

Enjoy the journey! Hugs, Pam (The Roadside Philosopher)

Trump Grandparent Expectorate Disease

Not Again!

You know how it is with new grandparents? 

“Oh, Look how cute he is!”, “Isn’t that adorable when he drools like that?”, “Oh he ate his peas for the first time today.”… on and on they go about every fart, movement, or owie.

Everyone can only take so much of listening to every success, failure or boo boo the new baby has just done. We all try to find something else to do, or appointment we suddenly need to attend, to get away from another rendition of bodily activities of their new arrival.

Well that would seem somewhat logical if it was the Republicans chanting on and on about their winner… but it is not so. 

Democrats have become Trump Grandparents spewing out every little body movement, belch, conjecture of intent… “Oh, he is so going to be the worse (fill in negative expectorant here).”  I have to listen on the news every possible conjecture about the new addition to our government. They are publicity overloading Trump. HE doesn’t matter. What happens with our country’s laws and their impact does.

What is worse is I can’t even go on social media to see what my friends are doing without getting opinions on every movement, stance and speculation about their darling little fart.

Keeping constant awareness of the “new arrivals” next body-bowel movement is NOT NEWS, NOT desired and of no value.

The best thing for the USA is to talk about the issues and not the joker figure that symbolizes worse fears. 

When did we get so figure centric that “The Person” not what is happening becomes our major topic. What does that say about us as a citizenry?  Are we only capable of talking about Entertainment? Superficialities are the ONLY thing we can focus on?

Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People (A quote often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt but is under question). The bottom line is this pretty much labels correctly where are thoughts are and the level of effectiveness they render.

My liberal friends and my conservative friends need to work on what we can do about the changes in our government. If money to our favorite charity is being cut, let US step up and help cover it. Since when is the Federal Government supposed to be all things to all people. Why are we giving money in taxes so we have NO SAY on how it is spent.

Please focus on OUR journey and enjoy that journey. I know I am starting small, but I am running for city council. Get involved and lets make things work.

Hugs, Pam

(The Roadside Philosopher)