Still with Climate Change?

A part of a universal system

Scientific provability… I don’t know how many of you have actually done a scientific-method experiment, but it requires first to make a hypothesis, then to create a control group and change one item in the experimental group, run the experiments exactly and compare the results to validate your hypothesis.

Someone please show me the control group for the other earth, where there are no human carbon emissions. This is the Only way you can claim it is scientifically proven. Of course, it should be replicate-able by your peer group without fail to become fact.

The social media that keeps saying “98% of scientists agree”, should be a red flag right there that this is gossip not fact. If you put any hundred scientists in a room you will never get that ratio, even if the consensus was only that “The sky is blue.” Scientists are people and people just don’t agree like that. Now if they wanted to have a measure of believability, they should have claimed maybe 68%.

Does that make me an idiot that wants to trash the planet? No, I’m old. I’ve watched climate through these last few score of years, from multiple locations. Fact, climate changes. It changes in yearly cycles, in decade cycles, in million year cycles, etc.

Our science is the best it’s ever been. Yes, and no. We have more tools than ever, but we still can only fractionally measure only a few components with any degree that allows us predictability. (Unless research is paid for by a special interest group)

Predictability is the point here. We are pretty good at saying “when we do this, that happens” After we have done the experiment many times. But, to predict any hurricane’s path, even with our best guess we often fail, simply because we do not have all the components.

I try to be kind when yelled at by those that quote things as final and absolute. (As a philosopher there are no absolutes… ) Did you take into account the fungi rally going on underground? Or the shifting magnetic poles? Our place in the universe and it’s activities? Do we measure every point on the globe and average each day? Or are our measurements only taken mostly in the northern hemisphere next to urban areas? Data is only as good as the instrument used, the manner in which it is collected, the calculations and Spin the research is finally presented as and if it is replica-table. So very many variables.

Does that give us a reason to trash the planet? No! I hate the “rape for profit” mentality that this current culture processes. I hate single use plastic bottles in our oceans. No one should think their actions don’t have impact.

I’m all for making our use of things recyclable, and intelligent use of our resources, but please don’t let the propaganda that “They know all” be your influencer.

What does this have to do with human/computer interface psychology? We get a good portion of our information from online, and the wonderful diversity of opinions, but if we do not think things through and use number-of-likes vs critical thinking, we will all go down the toilet together…at least 98% of us. Lol

Enjoy the journey!



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