For those of us who have worked with science or scientists its amazing to think that people take such a religious zealousness over this insane dogma.
Science Dogma
Science is made up of people. People who work hard to get noticed, gain material wealth and just try to survive. The construct of science now is: I will hire you or give you funding if you can prove my theory and make my product sell, or validate me. Gone are the days of “I wonder if I can make this happen or solve this problem.” Huge labs with many people working only on parts of someone’s project, they don’t even know what the final goal is, “Just do your pipets.”
Then you hear of Theranos blood test. So many levels of hidden truths, of taking advantage of those who do not understand but accept the “expert” as being GOD. We all can’t know ALL. We specialize in our own little world and rely on marketing to tell us the truth. OMG, did you just hear what I said? Marketing is truth… (cries in her hands).
As I have watched the internet, “SEE Me, SEE me” mentality, which seems to be all that is valued anymore, I am horrified. How loud shouting, “I am the best. I am the expert. Buy from me.” Is considered right? Your value is now how many views you have or LIKEs. Function is no longer a component of success, noise is.
All that is obviously a sad state of affairs that anyone with more than one generational perspective could tell you. What I want to address is Science vs Policy.
We have this thing saying, “It’s based on Science”. Let me review science. Science is the slow observational collection of data, more data and still more data. Then it is the horrific puzzling out of that data to see if we can find any patterns or rhyme and reasons from it. Science is hindsight! Science is AFTER the facts have been observed. The proper analysis needs to be done, which unfortunately takes time.
Policies are for the future, the forward component, based on science data, which should have been given that horrible component of Time needed for analysis. BUT we don’t have time and are forced to use value-based conjectures. Let me give you an example…
Well I know from accumulated experiments that every time I walk down the hall I trip at the same place… (that is the data. I can add dates and times, what I was wearing, who I was with etc. All this is data) .
So what to do about that data going forward. The policy makers then create “the policy” and chooses according to their values. “Whatever should we do with this data going forward?” We could…
1. Remove the rug
2. Goose step so my feet are high enough that I don’t trip
3. Get glasses
4. Change to a flatter rug.
5. Tape the rug down.
6. Remodel the house and remove the hall.
7. Buy a new house.
8. Kill the cat.
The list can go on… ALL of these options are based on the data of me tripping at that spot. So the government picks one of these value-based solutions and claims THAT is the answer based on science, which is the hindsight of collected data. All of the above options have equal validity because the Time component of data analysis is not available.
So the policy makers who believe no good emergency can be left unmaximinzed say, “Hey, this huge company can make money if we say it is this… and Bam, that selection is forced down throats with the marketing shouts. “Buy a new house this one is dangerous. You can’t argue with us, its based on science!”
The reality might just have been the toe of your slipper catches the carpet. Nothing to do with the house or the cat, but someone has made FORWARD policy decisions based on science.
It is fun actually not to know everything. I spend my life exploring endless thought processes and the psychology of the internet. The internet has gone sideways and I can not foresee a way to backtrack.
Critical thinking has been shouted down.
So following suit… Listen to me! I’m the expert. Stop believing everything you hear!
I am listed as an independent. I have a hard time buying into any group’s confines. I won’t go into where I differ with each party but I do know one thing. I know when things look bad.
First I noticed when one side said there was some voting discrepancies and the mainstream media just announced they won’t even mention the concerns and forcefully claimed there “WAS No Fraud”. Wait a minute, there is never a time you can say something does NOT exist. Examination is not a bad thing.
Then the wonderful free internet got highjacked and people’s wonderings got banned. They kept government videos offline so as to require me to find other venues. I listened to hours of some very convincing observations that continually got dismissed by judges who refused to hear the cases on stupid “Moot or Standing” claims that no one is allowed to question.
I hear the words of one of the owners of the Dominion voting machines say in an Antifa phone meeting to which he belonged, “Don’t worry I fixed it so Trump can’t win.” So does anyone get to examine the machine software? Do they get to examine the audit records…no because they don’t have them. Machines are sequestered and reset. RED Flag!
The owners of the Dominion belong to the Clinton Foundation, another red flag. Banks make sure their software is examined and verified but the 3 person verification company is owned by the same people? Kinda like Boing verifying their own planes.
No one can stop them because no one has a free internet anymore. If something is true, you should not be afraid to examine.
Silencing opposition with shout downs is not right. Open discussion is always the only way forward. This might have been the first time the public would have had a chance to hear the evidence in question.
Yet, even though, anyone can put on a red hat and chant and riot…which by the way, successfully silenced the discussion…the thought strikes me…So who had the greatest reason to shut down that discussion?
We do not live for reality; …apparently we live for what we are told to believe.
It is impossible. Don’t believe what you’ve been told. The old ways do not work and the new ways are wrong!
From one baby boomer to the millennials, I have so much sympathy for the position you are in. There is no way to make your life feel right as long as you are trying to duplicate your parents vision. A new culture needs to be created. It will be messy, but if you are going to survive, a new game with meaning needs to be created.
College is not working. Starting life with burdening debt because you have been handed the idea that college equals a satisfactory life, is as much a fairytale as The Three Bears. May I suggest maybe shadowing apprenticeships with online tutors. “Doing” will be more functional than the ancient “Answering A, B, or C” question components.
As a divorced female who was married under the “Fred Flintstone mentality of “men rule”, then left with nothing,” l think I have a glimmer of what you’re suffering. The goal to just survive seems elusive. Where can you live that doesn’t cost more than what you make in service jobs? Service jobs are devalued, but service is to humanity and so our humanity is being devalued!
It is very much like the servitude that the miners had working all the time and owing more to the company store than they made. You are imprisoned! There is no time for you, and when there is a hope of seeing light the game shifts and your expertise has evaporated.
Jobs are less and less human oriented and algorithms are replacing jobs. We have lost humanity! We have devalued mothers. (The essential component for the species to survive) in favor of contributing to this “make money” illusion of value. Get rid of that component first! Money is an illusion (proven by all the blockchain currencies out there).
Since my experience (out of order for the time) was a female in computing I have experienced the social media evolution from the beginning. From the first instant communication programs of Kermit to the mess of the competing “Look at me” apps we have today, they are isolating, not socializing and are again just another illusion.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for stories. Stories are what give life purpose. All cultural stories are illusions, we simply need to create our own and not buy into those Illusions handed to us by those who benefit from our conversion.
I remember when another Agile project manager set me aside and walked me through the question, “What is important in your life?” We made a list. Then he had me list what I was doing with my time. (The one and only nonnegotiable component of existence.) Was the life I was living in harmony with what I thought important? Boy was that an eye opener!
I had been catering and assisting with other people’s goals and ideas thinking that somewhere along the line I would get recognized. (No one mentors any more.) It’s all about “Me”, and since that target is always moving, having helpers is necessary. The best you can do is #2. There is no way being the number two dog in an organization will get you to your goal. It will be their goal.
I can see the evolution that has taken place and society’s shift down the rabbit hole. I have been written off in the current society, but that’s ok…I have written off society.
I now live in my own world of value. Got a minimum income and live with a $300 mortgage, but that was both a miracle and a multi-year project to create, allowing me to ignore most of the societal illusions.
Millennials get rid of your burn outs; make your lists, and create that society that allows you to thrive. Don’t let them force you into misery.
Sorry I won’t be around to help but you have my best wishes for an impactful journey!
Scientific provability… I don’t know how many of you have actually done a scientific-method experiment, but it requires first to make a hypothesis, then to create a control group and change one item in the experimental group, run the experiments exactly and compare the results to validate your hypothesis.
Someone please show me the control group for the other earth, where there are no human carbon emissions. This is the Only way you can claim it is scientifically proven. Of course, it should be replicate-able by your peer group without fail to become fact.
The social media that keeps saying “98% of scientists agree”, should be a red flag right there that this is gossip not fact. If you put any hundred scientists in a room you will never get that ratio, even if the consensus was only that “The sky is blue.” Scientists are people and people just don’t agree like that. Now if they wanted to have a measure of believability, they should have claimed maybe 68%.
Does that make me an idiot that wants to trash the planet? No, I’m old. I’ve watched climate through these last few score of years, from multiple locations. Fact, climate changes. It changes in yearly cycles, in decade cycles, in million year cycles, etc.
Our science is the best it’s ever been. Yes, and no. We have more tools than ever, but we still can only fractionally measure only a few components with any degree that allows us predictability. (Unless research is paid for by a special interest group)
Predictability is the point here. We are pretty good at saying “when we do this, that happens” After we have done the experiment many times. But, to predict any hurricane’s path, even with our best guess we often fail, simply because we do not have all the components.
I try to be kind when yelled at by those that quote things as final and absolute. (As a philosopher there are no absolutes… ) Did you take into account the fungi rally going on underground? Or the shifting magnetic poles? Our place in the universe and it’s activities? Do we measure every point on the globe and average each day? Or are our measurements only taken mostly in the northern hemisphere next to urban areas? Data is only as good as the instrument used, the manner in which it is collected, the calculations and Spin the research is finally presented as and if it is replica-table. So very many variables.
Does that give us a reason to trash the planet? No! I hate the “rape for profit” mentality that this current culture processes. I hate single use plastic bottles in our oceans. No one should think their actions don’t have impact.
I’m all for making our use of things recyclable, and intelligent use of our resources, but please don’t let the propaganda that “They know all” be your influencer.
What does this have to do with human/computer interface psychology? We get a good portion of our information from online, and the wonderful diversity of opinions, but if we do not think things through and use number-of-likes vs critical thinking, we will all go down the toilet together…at least 98% of us. Lol
I listened to a Podcast about how Norway is
the fairest country to women in the workplace, but for some reason still do not
have many management level females. Norway gives the most time off for
maternity leave. So maybe they will give the same amount of leave for the men,
so hiring either gender would not lend to prejudice.
OMG! The problem stated was: Why are women not
coming back to work and choose to stay home with their children? Really? We
need to make them be a part of the economic workforce. Who would want to
babysit the young? That’s NOT as important as helping in the workforce to make
money for others?
OK, first of all, women bare children. All the
legislature in the world is not going to change that it is women that have to
bare the children. The problem is NOT why don’t women come back to work, its
Why are we shaming them for supporting the next generation!
Yet, women who devote themselves as mothers to
advance the next age of humanity are of no value. We huff if their children are
noisy or make a mess in stores or other public venues. We watch them struggle
and feel that if they were good at their job this annoyance wouldn’t bother us.
No wonder our population is dwindling. To bring a child into the world is looked on as a hinderance. Condolences go out to those women who find themselves in a family way. “You have just lost any chance at your career.”
Career is king. Make money for the overlords…
money is the only value. And for some strange reason we are buying into that
horrible encrusted game.
As a society we spend our efforts saying,
“Thank you for your service.” To those who put their life on the line to
advance our political agenda and get paid for their time being ordered around.
We grant them value in our society.
Of course, the political agenda is motivated
by those in power wanting more control. Hence the US is the demon of the world.
We take what we want and force others to comply. We thank our service men for
taking lives but shame our women who give life?
Being a mom has never been a glamour career
choice. Never has wiping noses and doing laundry been the high point of any
day. However, it is those women who pick up AGAIN, make meals AGAIN, read
another story or travel to pick or deliver kids AGAIN that teach the children
by example that the world has complications, but you can arise and conquer with
Working people get to point to things they
have done. I built that building. I made this much money. I saved the project,
person, or idea. Our society complements these “point-to-able” but superficial
accomplishments. All will end.
The human race, if it is going to survive will
ONLY be so if there are women baring children. If they stop, we stop.
We are dwindling in our population. Hence, we
are not going to be a problem for this planet much longer as we self-indulge
ourselves out of existence. No one wants to sacrifice their life for some
ungrateful little stranger that we are forced to constantly please. That’s what
gets communicated in our society’s movies and films.
Third our children are not being taught, they
are being appeased. We have legislated that we cannot say NO to the kids.
Everyone is supposed to be special and cherished and life is always rainbows
and unicorns. This leaves us with totally uninstructed children who grow up
believing in what? Certainly not themselves. They are depressed and wonder why
the real world doesn’t bow down to their every need? Hence, we get a rash of
The only way you can take pride in yourself is
by your own accomplishments. The harder the deeds are when you succeed, the
more power you can see in yourself. You are of value. But that is not what this
society says. Parents: you need to yell at the teachers for not giving your
child an A… instead of addressing your child for not doing the work.
So instead of saying 100 yards is the goal you
keep moving the goal post closer, so little Jimmy can get his reward with less
We need to value hard work, selflessness,
ethics and stop making everything a marketable commodity.
Moms have previously been known for their selflessness, not condemned for it. They do not get any pay, retirement benefits and rarely any thanks from the children and they literally have chosen to sacrifice their lives in the service to the species.
So, the next time you see the chaos that
surrounds a frustrated mother in a public place. Thank them for their service…
and maybe offer to help.
You will enjoy the journey more if you
contribute. Hugs, Pam
(I was in the military and so was my father. I was a Navy brat. He had to go to war and sacrificed a lot. I totally value my father’s effort and do not mean to devalue our appreciation to our warriors but…we are not at war needing to defend our county at the moment…a little balance of perspective please.)
With a new hosting service I decided to test out this wordpress theme before I transfer over 100+ blog posts. So here goes my test blog on older relationships.
When you are seeking a relationship at an older age, say, sometime after your family has been raised: Is marriage a good thing or bad?
Marriage is a cultural-supporting commitment that insures the two of you will stay together to finish raising a family. (We mostly go into this relationship thinking it is FOREVER) The bottom line is: No one should leave the other one with more obligations and no additional support. Families are a huge undertaking.
This commitment is supported by our culture, which also does not believe such a circumstance should occur, hence they have family court to even out the playing field…supposedly. So Marriage in today’s terms is a 3 party commitment and a legal term inviting the country’s laws into a couple’s relationship.
If a division must follow you are obligated to go through this 3rd party before a seperation can occur. Everything is exposed and displayed in court records about who did what, or the least, who gets to pay what.
Does marriage have anything really to do with the couple’s vows to each other? Not really. Nothing is displayed in any record keeping location as to what you promised each other. Yet, we continue to label ONLY the 3 party commitment as marriage?
I have heard absolutely horrendous family-court resolutions that fail miserably on both fairness and amicability. Family court is ruled by unchallengeable god-like entities with no oversight options at all. This alone would be a huge hiccup for anyone considering marriage at any age.
The family court system needs options for outside arbitration, which does not mean only the one with the most caustic personality and most money wins. When you’re married in today’s society you are inviting this unsettling 3rd party into your beloved relationship.
So as an older person seeking companionship your concern is not really wishing to legally compel your chosen to stay with you, as much as it is to not have either of your finances trashed by health issues of your new companion, nor remove options for your children’s inheritance.
As it stands now, if you marry, you are legally compelled to pay the medical debts of your husband/wife. As I always say, “We are all inhabiting a deteriating biological unit with an expiration date.” None of us know how long that will be or how things will go, but if we are not hiding our heads in the sand, we have to acknowledge that you must have an acceptable exit strategy.
As a senior, hopefully we have learned a few things in life as to what is important. Companionship IS important. There are many scientific studies proving that those alone will die sooner than those with a companion’s support.
We would naturally be seeking to find someone compatible and honest. When we find that elusive someone, commitment is desired along with cohabitating arrangements. Does that need marriage?
I have coined the phrase “End of Life Partner”. This might not seem all that romatic, but it definitely says what is expected. Someone who will be with you when you have to be in the hospital. Someone who assists you with remembering your pills or reads the small print when you forgot your glasses. This is someone who cares for you enough to ride that slippery slope toward exitinction with your concerns foremost in their mind. Having a medical advocate when you’re not conscious is a priceless commodity.
So instead of blindly inviting the 3rd party of unconsciousable-fluctuating-societal overlords into your relationship, set up the terms and expectations of your End of Life Partnership.
In my circumstances, I owned the house and created a will that allows him to stay on (if I pass) by simply paying the mortgage and upkeep until he passes or leaves. The property would then transfer to my children.
Now he pays a monthly rent, has his own room, mailbox, bank accounts and debts. We share only what we wish with each other and there is nothing other than our verbal commitment and desire that keeps us together.
What I have discovered is that I am less of a nag. I don’t yell at him because he spends his money on stuff I believe is ill advised. I do not own any of his assets/debt so their is no consequences for me to endure, hence I am left with “Fine, just fine.” when my opinion has been disregarded. We move on.
Our only requirement of each other is to create a will and medical advisories so that we can follow through on the other’s wishes.
Being there for each other and honestly communicating both good and bad feelings is huge enough. Anyone who has been in any kind of a relationship, knows that reaching a mutual acceptable compatible living arrangement is not simple. It is very personal, complex and important.
Worrying if you can support a person who may fall into Alzheimer’s three months after you made a marriage commitment is not something you should have to consider. Such a poor future-predicting decision could rob you of your lifetime savings and living arrangements, not only leaving you without the companion you desired, but without hope of sustainability.
So choosing and End of Life Partner, vowing to each other what you wish to share and coming up with proper living expectations is very personal and very God-like commitment to each other’s service. If you are religious and believe you are committing sin by committing to another’s service without expectation, consider a new religion.
Pamala Clift: Posted on Saturday, October 06, 2018 11:01 AM
We are all trying to get closer to nature with our food and work-life balance. We understand that fighting nature is a huge uphill battle.
We seek forest walks, the vistas over water or mountains, clean food, trying to get back to our proper place on this spinning globe. Now if we truly value nature and seek to understand our place. There are some very valuable facts that need to be considered.
Men are physically stronger than women. That is a fact, not speculation. (Of course there are exceptions)
We also know that nature does some major changes in both male and female children during that horrible state known as teenager hood . Arrgh! Controlling this state of our human growth cycle isn’t probable. Hormones surge and wain as teenagers try to figure out who they are.
This was obvious enough that in our courts, criminal offenses done before turning 18 are not considered part of your adult record.
Now we have the #MeToo movement saying a man is guilty vs memories from a hormonal female about a hormonal male doing teenager stuff that was not even a crime had he been an adult? Sigh.(Kavanaugh)
This is what I would like to have as a take away from this whole crazy episode. Females are rabbits. Males are coyotes.
Everyone should teach their daughters that they need to brace for males as a possibly uncontrollable force of nature. Just like not jumping off a mountain ledge. You don’t hold gravity responsible for your damage?
Young males are coyotes. Not because they choose this, but because nature knows that if a rabbit runs, the coyote will chase. Education can possibly slow this, but we can not count on it.
As women we should know entering this stage of life needs to be prepared for as a battle. We don’t dress to raise that hormonal tidal wave and increase our possibility of nature trumping cultural restrains.
We don’t go putting ourselves in the lair of the coyotes (especially with inhibition-lowering components such as drugs and alcohol) and expect to come out unscathed.
I’m all for the #MeToo movement within reason. I have, and my daughters have been violated wrongly because we are females. We are rabbits and we live amid coyotes. I hate being the victim because I am not the physically stronger gender. Men using their power of position to take advantage or forcefully gratifying their needs on the weaker sex, needs to be curtailed. But we women need to help. It isn’t ALL their fault.
If the rabbit didn’t run, the coyote most likely wouldn’t have chased.
We need to be aware of our environment and the natural world we exist in, and not blindly think we have a fairy God Mother who will make everything ok.
Islam puts the fault that men’s hormones run wild- all on women. Women should be curtailed from being seen so that the poor male’s hormones don’t have their energies redirected. Most of us can see how wrong that view point is…
So we have the pendulum now going the other way with the #MeToo movement. It is all on the men to master their hormones.
Ok, gals… master your monthly cycle right now… stop crying, stop feeling the way you feel. Your irrationality around this time of the month needs to STOP!… That is not likely to happen either. Mostly because during that time of the month THINKING is not the dominate component. The same thing goes for guys.
This is the natural world we live in. We are animals of this construct. We need to help each other deal with things that are outside our cultural norms and conflict with natural impulses.
Do your best not to blame just one side. We are all on this journey together!
So “I” is the most often used pronoun these days,
with the “Its all about Me”, social media craze.
There are good things about taking ownership of your own
feelings and stating them clearly.
“I would like you to take me to dinner.” “I
feel ignored.”
Taking ownership of your feelings is better than accusing.
“You don’t love me.” …but that’s a whole other blog post-plus
in itself.
But how can you use pronouns for identifying if there is
potential relationship possibilities?
It’s amazing as I talk to contacts, family and my own
relationships what there is about Pronouns, especially when there are problems
needing solving. When do things switch from the independent identity to a
functional couples identity?
1. A guy that says, “Don’t worry about it. I will
take care of it.” Is a dominate relationship, meaning you must always
subjugate yourself to him. That’s awesome if he is competent, and
never-growing-up and playing princess the rest of your life is your goal. However,
that won’t stay the same. He will eventually want a new younger prettier
princess, or you might develop an interest and competency that makes you need
his say so less, so he loses his princess. So for long term this might not be
the relationship to seek.
2. A guy that constantly says, “You handle it.” or “Don’t worry it will all work out fine.” but turns things over to happenstance. Well, he is either supportive of your growth, or he is lazy. He is thinking that the problem isn’t worth his effort. He is either dismissing you or he is living in his own fairy tale world where your main concern should be about him. If it is not about him than handle it yourself, even if it is about your joint residence or children.
This might leave you seeing the back of his head while he is watching sports, video games or left for the golf course. This could very well be the guy who wants to sleep with his mom. In other words, he is only interested in the perks of the relationship. He is not interested in fulfilling obligations or promises. If you wish to “take care” of someone all your life this might work, but don’t plan on ever being appreciated for doing so. You become his “left arm”. In other words, nobody every thanks their left arm for doing what it is supposed to do. You are just an extension of him.
3. Then comes the out-of-the-blue guy who when you express a problem he says, “We’ll work it out.” He uses the plural! OMG, he is taking the position that between the two of you there will be ways to make things work. No longer is it You or I, but We! That is the first sign that couple-hood is plausible.
Sometimes “WE” is said but it is still you that
has to work it out. If you find that happening all the time it can be a
delusional play by guy number two as he fools himself that he is contributing,
so still watch for that.
So the bottom line is look for the pronouns. There is only
one out of 3 options that might work.
I watched a wonderful presentation between a physicist and a
Buddhist over reality. I enjoy these discussions but HATE not being able to
contribute or question. So I will use my blog to enter my contributions.
First the physicists made a wonderful observation that we
see reality in layers and those layers do not separate those observations of
existence but nest. They all have truth. The chair is composed of atoms and
wood. It is a part of a stage design currently, part of the auditorium’s
inventory etc. All those layers are still just one part of the story of the
The thing that irritates me is when he claims he doesn’t
know all but then jumps to …”Because I know ALL the forces of nature, there is
no life after death.” Wait a second…what happened to I don’t know all?
When a person dies the physicists sees all the particles as
deteriorating and concludes “that is all the person is”.
The Buddhist replies that observing the observer should be
as intensely studied as any other tool the scientific community uses, which
science fails to do.
I must go simply go to my metaphor. A square desk top
computer is a solid, dissectible, physical thing. When there is no energy going
thru it we are left with just particles. You can claim you know all the
circuits, all the components and how they integrate with each other but you
don’t know three important things.
1. What software will be
on it and will that software work? (the consciousness)
2. Was the purpose of
the box designed to run the software? Or just be a collection of components.
(the body)
3. Who or what thought
it necessary to design a box? (intent or creator)
Matter is observable. Energy is partially observable, but
only if we are able to create a machine that we properly calibrate and agree on
a measurement language that science can document.
Partially observable, is the key. Functioning instrument
language is the ONLY thing that we can use. If we don’t have that instrument,
than the energy does NOT exist? Can anyone actually claim with any surety that
something does NOT exist? That is a falsity in logic, until you “know all”
which no one has ever claimed, you can’t know something is Not.
A behavior psychologist asked a question of the presenters
about the duality of a person before a stroke and the totally different person
that may exist after a stroke. I respond that a part of the computer box can
break down, there can be glitches in the software, but that does not separate
the box running that software from having the experience, nor does it preclude
it from running only one piece of software.
Anyway, no one listens to me, but I believe just the
creation of the thought pattern puts it in the human accessible database. It
now will easier to tap into that information once the correlation has been
made. Maybe I have expanded consciousness.
Anyway, that’s my story.
May you enjoy the journey of your software and delight in
your ability to modify that story.